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What You Will Need:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open Your Email:
    • Click on the email program you usually use (like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo).
    • If you're not already logged in, enter your email address and password.

  2. Start a New Email:
    • Look for a button that says “New Email”, “Compose”, or has a picture of a pencil on paper. Click on it.

  3. Address the Email to Yourself:
    • Click in the “To” box and type your own email address. This way, you will be sending the images to yourself.

  4. Adding Images:
    • Find the “Attach files” button, which might look like a paperclip or a plus (+) sign.
    • Click on this button.

  5. Select the Images:
    • A window will pop up showing files on your computer. Navigate to the folder where your images are stored.
    • Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on each image you want to attach. You can select up to 10 images.
    • After selecting the images, click “Open” or “Attach” in the window. This will add the images to your email.

  6. Email Compression:
    • Most email services automatically compress images when you attach them to an email. This means the images will be made smaller and easier to send.

  7. Send the Email:
    • Once all your images are attached, you can click the “Send” button. This might look like a paper plane.

  1. Check Your Email:
    • Open your inbox to check if you’ve received the email.
    • You can download the compressed images from the email if you need them later.

  2. Downloading Compressed Images (Optional):
    • Open the email you sent to yourself.
    • You will see your images either as thumbnails or as attachments at the bottom of the email.
    • To save them, click on each image or attachment and select “Download” or “Save”.


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Email Address
SubjectWhat's the reason for your enquiry?

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